Stamford Library Welcomes You
Mission Statement
The mission of Stamford Library is to serve as a community center for lifelong learning, with free and equal access to a broad range of ideas and information through traditional and emerging resources to meet the intellectual, recreational, and cultural needs of area residents in a professional and friendly manner.
Latest News
Seed exchange starting up
Start your spring garden soon with seeds from the Stamford Library seed exchange! We have a number of fresh herb seed packets from Ferry-Morse, including basil, chives, dill, parsley and others, and expect to add more once our Gardening Club gets up and running later this month. Please feel free to donate leftover seeds from […]
News for February
February news It’s shaping up to be a busy month! Come in and enjoy some programs to get you through the rest of this long winter. The Unplugged Game Club will meet on Saturday February 14th. Come and join in playing Scrabble, chess, cards, Chinese checkers and a bunch of other available games. Get growing […]
What’s new in Young Adult literature
New books continue to roll in for young adults. Give some of these titles a try while you’re waiting for the weather to warm up! Julie Berry’s All the Truth About Me Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner Elizabeth Laban’s The Tragedy Paper The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: Read about Cinder, Scarlet and Cress. Andrew […]
Library History
History of Stamford Library On October 22, 2007, the Stamford Village Library celebrated its Centennial. If you’re thinking, “Wait a minute . . . I seem to remember hearing something about this a long time ago,” you’re right, the library recognized a 100th anniversary in June of 1972. Two other dates qualify as centennials also—2026 […]