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Money Matters Presentation

With inflation and interest rates putting the pinch on many, paying attention to your money, credit, and spending is more important than ever.

The holidays are just around the corner and debt in the United States is already high with the average consumer carrying an average of $6,000 in credit card debt alone. This fact, combined with a staggering average credit card rate of 21 percent makes careful credit management essential for financial health.

Join Eileen Knott, of the Western Catskills Community Revitalization Council, at Stamfrord Library on Saturday, November 18 at 11 a.m. for Money Matters, a program dedicated to helping you understand how credit card companies work and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Participants will receive a free budget tracker, a free Amazon Bill Tracker book, learn how to understand, repair, and correct credit reports, find out how to identify hidden credit fees and more!

The program is Free and Open To All!

Space is limited for this essential program and pre-registration is strongly encouraged by calling the library at 607.652.5001 or stopping in today.



Nov 18 2023


11:00 am - 12:30 pm