July 2016
Did you know …
…that there are headphones available at the circulation desk for you to check out on your card, for use in the library with our computers? Also, there’s a gaming mouse, a gaming headset and a microphone available for checkout for use with our gaming computer, located in the programs room. I hear it’s fast… sign in for it as #6 and get your game on!
…that our display case has an I Spy game in it? Fred has created a colorful chaos in it, and a list of questions for each day; answer the questions right and get some candy at the desk! We all like giving out candy, so you can keep trying. (We like candy too.)
…that we have a new DVD circuit in? Two, actually, so there are over 90 movies for you to choose from. They’re going fast, but feel free to come in and check them out.
…that we’ll have a new large print circuit soon? Should be in by next Thursday. We also just got a nice donation of large print books by popular authors, and they’ll be on the shelves soon too as part of our permanent collection.
…that the air conditioning is keeping us cool and comfortable? Come in and enjoy our comfortable chairs or sofa and cool off for a while!
…that we can now scan and email documents for you? Two pages free; each additional page is 50 cents.