April news
Spring is in the air!
If you still plan a garden this year, it’s not too late to come in and check out the seed library! Lots of varieties of vegetables and flowers are available, and neat little packets to take seeds home in!
More board games have been added to the collection – some classics like Clue, Sorry!, Battleship, and Operation – this time featuring Despicable Me minions! Play them here at our board game nights (next one is on May 12th), or check them out and take them home to play. And by the way – International Tabletop Day for board, dice and card games is on April 30th. Fred will be here as the MC. Come and test him on his board game knowledge. (Warning – it’s pretty extensive!)
A great collection of pewter ice cream molds is in our display case for April, courtesy of Chris Becker. Come in and take a look. It is getting nearer to ice cream season, after all…
We’ve added lots of new books and DVDs this month. Why not read or watch a movie instead of doing all that spring cleaning?
Fred has been running a very popular computer class. If you need help with the basics, stop in and see what he can help you with! They meet on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. (The April 27th class is cancelled but will meet again on May 4th. )