January News
New large print circuit is in!
Gardening group meets on the 19th. Bring your favorite catalogs and big plans for 2016!
We’ve added some new games to the list – try Jenga, Scrabble, the Family version of Trivial Pursuit, and more! If board games are your thing – come to the next gaming night on the 28th. We have lots of games here, but feel free to bring a favorite of your own. See if you can find one Fred doesn’t know – it won’t be easy!
Headphones are now kept behind the circulation desk. We can check a pair out to you using your FCLS library card. Just drop them back off at the desk when you’re done.
Lots of new adult fiction added this week. If you don’t see what you’re looking for on the display case, ask at the desk – if the title you want is out, we can put it on hold for you. The shelf gets picked over pretty quickly, so don’t be afraid to ask!
Did you know you can use your library card to check out ebooks and audiobooks? Bring in that new device you got for Christmas and we’ll help you get started.